A word from the Head Teacher
We are a formal federation of 4 primary schools. This arrangement allows us to develop an inclusive and consistent approach to primary education across the valley. Through a shared ethos, consistent approaches of curricular experience and the sharing of resources, we can ensure each school takes advantage of our unique setup for the benefit of our pupils.
While each school retains its individual identity and community, the Federation allows the sharing of best practice so that all our pupils feel well known, supported and make the appropriate progress to achieve their potential. We have high expectations for all our pupils and by working together we can provide all with the very best opportunities.
The school is justifiably proud of its reputation for concern for the individual child, both in terms of welfare and academic provision. We work on the premise that each and every child is entitled to the highest quality educational experience that can be provided.
We do our utmost to ensure that the children in our school achieve the best outcomes they can. The staff are highly skilled at assessing each pupil’s individual level of development, and moving them on at their own pace towards their full potential. We work hard to ensure that wellbeing is prioritised in order that all children feel good about themselves and acquire a high level of self-esteem.
Parents are encouraged to take an active part in the education of their children. We believe that only by working together can parents and staff make sure that each child makes the best of his or her opportunities. Our open door policy means that parents and carers are encouraged to come into school to discuss their child’s progress, in both formal and informal meetings. We endeavour to work as a family, in which each member will have a sense of value, belonging and a feeling of responsibility for the school and the community.
Best wishes,
Mr R. Appleby
The Federated Primary Schools of the Upper Afan Valley